Our Terms and Conditions
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- General conditions
These terms and conditions apply to all quotations, work, deliveries, and services of Baarn Group. Deviations from these terms and conditions are only binding if agreed in writing.
All quotations are without obligation, unless expressly stated otherwise.
Quotations are valid for 30 days, unless otherwise stated.
Execution of work
Baarn Group strives to execute work within agreed upon deadlines, but cannot be held liable for delays beyond their control.
Payment must be made within 14 days of the invoice date, unless otherwise agreed.
In case of late payment, Baarn Group has the right to suspend the work.
Baarn Group is not liable for damages resulting from inaccuracies in the information provided by the customer.
Claims must be reported in writing within 7 days of discovery.
Baarn Group provides a warranty on the work performed as set forth in writing in the quotation.
These terms and conditions are governed by Dutch law. Disputes shall be submitted to the competent court in the Netherlands.
Hoe werken wij?
Offerte aanvraag
Vraag gratis & vrijblijvend een offerte aan via onze website.
Bevestig offerte
Als u akkoord gaat met de geleverde offerte kunt u deze aan ons bevestigen
Uitvoeren opdracht
Op de afgesproken datum en tijd gaan wij starten met uw opdracht
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Erg tevreden! Komt afspraken na, werkt netjes en leuk in de omgang. Blij met het eindresultaat van de tegels in de keuken. Aanrader om Hikmet te benaderen voor tegelwerk